ବୀର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାଏ ବୈଷୟିକ ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ

वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology

Research & Consultancy

The consultancy offered by the department include:

  1. Testing of all the properties of solid and liquid fuel
  2. Characterisation and treatment of waste water.
  3. Design of equipment including reactor, distillation column, absorption column etc.
  4. Modelling of chemical process.
  5. Energy optimisation using pinch technology.